Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rotary Club of Talegaon-Dabhade

Rotary Club of Talegaon-Dabhade

Everyday in India has something special to offer. The hospitality has been beyond what anyone could expect. The matching of host families was exceptional. My host Mom, Aruna Ogale, and I have much in common. We both have volunteered many years with our respective country's blood donor collection agencies. She loves to read, travel, walk, garden and we both are rather opinionated. She is the first lady in India that I have met that has grey hair. We agree that grey will soon be the new blond (the wiser variety)

The highlight for me during the last 2 days was the visit to Sai Baba Seva Dham School. They receive most of their funding through many different NGO and also some Rotary Clubs. The reason this visit was so special was the short dance that some young children put on for us. These children have many physical and mental difficulties but in spite of this their smiles filled their faces. At this school they learn to move with confidence and not be made fun of because they were different. Here everyone is different! There are children who could not walk when they arrived at the school, now they walk and climb rope ladders. Many will return to their villages with life skills such as everyday shopping, money changing, and hygiene knowledge. We also met young blind girls that learned beautiful basket weaving skills. Most take 2 days to get it right. The varies size baskets are sold in markets. This skill will allow the girls not to be a burden to their poor families.

I have just returned home for the evening. The GSE was the program at the Rotary meeting. We were greeted again with flowers, gifts and were shown great honour. Our presentation went well. Part of the evening also had 3 Rotary couples do traditional dance from different areas of India. Each one was unique. One was a tribute to his beautiful wife, comparing her to various vegetables. "red lips like beets." The evening ended with a tasty meal and ice cream for dessert.
The organization of everything these last 2 days, AND since we arrived in India, has been executed with great attention to detail.

Tomorrow we are off to Cadbury India, and to a Horticulture Farm. It should be very interesting. While driving today I noticed huge areas of greenhouses. I will learn more details BUT was told by my host that the Dutch introducted flower gardening into this region. In the afternoon we will more to the District Conference. I hear that there maybe more than a 1000 people in attendanc!.


  1. Glad to hear that everything is working smoothly at your end - sound like its well organized!

  2. Hi! Good to know that you are a Toastmaster as well as Rtn.
    Same here.
    I am DTM in TM circle, TM for 15 years. First in Singapore & now in India. Founder of several clubs in Pune.
    Was a GSE team member & later joined Rotary. Am President this year.
    Reigning Champion in Division(Clubs in Maharashtra) in both Table Topics as well as Prepared speech categories.
    We have a meeting in Pune on 14th Feb 2010.(V'day.) wanna attend?
    Prasad Sovani, DTM

  3. Thank you for the invitation. It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference and I look forward to meeting you again either at a Rotary meeting or at a Toastmaster meeting.
